Katharina Poggendorf-Kakar

Religionswissenschaften, Goa
Aufenthalt: 01.06.–30.06.2011; 15.05.–15.07.2012; 01.05.–31.07.2013; 01.10.–30.11.2013; 01.04.–31.07.2014


Katharina Poggendorf-Kakar studied Comparative Religion, Anthropology and Indian Art History at the Freie Universität in Berlin, where she took her master’s degree and her doctorate in Comparative Religion. Her publications include »Hindu-Frauen zwischen Tradition und Moderne: Religiöse Veränderungen der indischen Mittelschicht im städtischen Umfeld« (Metzler, 2002) and most recently together with Sudhir Kakar »Die Inder. Porträt einer Gesellschaft« (Beck, 2006).


Publikationen (Auswahl)

  • On Death and Dying. (ed.) Sudhir Kakar, Penguin Viking, New Delhi, in press.
  • Moving to Goa. A cultural-historical journey, Katharina Kakar, Penguin Viking, New Delhi, in press (released in December 2013).
  • Dying to live. Configurations on Death and Dying in Indian Culture, Katharina Kakar, work in progress (to be completed by end of 2014).