Filippo Carlà-Uhink

Alte Geschichte, Exeter
Aufenthalt: 01.10.16–31.03.17



Filippo Carlà-Uhink studied Classics and Ancient History at the Universities of Turin and Udine, where he received his PhD in 2007 with a thesis on gold coinage in Late Antiquity. Afterwards, he was active as a Post-Doc researcher at the University of Turin until 2009. In 2009-2010 he was a lecturer for Ancient History at the Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg, until he was called to the position of Assistant Professor for Cultural History of Antiquity at the JGU Mainz in October 2010. He had this position until September 2014, when he accepted his actual position as Lecturer for Classics and Ancient History at the University of Exeter. He has published monographs, edited collective volumes and written articles accepted in many important peer-reviewed international journals.



  • Cultural History of the Ancient World
  • Social History of the Ancient World
  • Economic History of the Roman World
  • Classical Receptions
  • Antiquity in Modern Political Discourse



A Cultural History of Capital Punishment in Graeco-Roman Antiquity 


This project aims to provide an innovative perspective on capital justice and death penalty in the Greek and Roman world, in which the individual biographies of the executed criminals will receive a much bigger attention, than it was accorded to them until now. The project wants indeed to analyse the death penalty in the ancient world and its embeddedness in the different social, political and cultural contexts as a form of »figuration of the particular« and highlight the role played by its justification and legitimation through the creation of a biography of the convicted. This is a very particular form of »life writing,« officially and institutionally constructed and »approved« through the juridical steps of the trial, in which the entire life of the defendant was analysed and used to come to a final judgement. The project aims to provide an important contribution to a better understanding of the reciprocal relations between the normativity of criminal justice (and of death penalty), as defined by the law and the procedure, and the related social praxis, in the context of the always  changing Greek and Roman cultural, political and social contexts.


Publikationen (Auswahl)

  • L’oro nella tarda antichità: aspetti economici e sociali, Zamorani, Torino 2009.
  • Questioni tardoantiche: storia e mito della »svolta costantiniana« (with M. G. Castello), Aracne, Roma 2010.
  • Exchange and the Saints: Gift-Giving and the Commerce of Relics, in F. Carlà – M. Gori, eds., Gift Giving and the »Embedded« Economy in the Ancient World, Winter, Heidelberg 2014, 403-437.
  • Wirtschaftliche Fragmentierung? Die spätantike Goldwährung und das Ende des römischen ›monetary system‹, in D. Boschung – M. Danner – C. Radtki, eds., Politische Fragmentierung und kulturelle Kohärenz in der Spätantike, Paderborn 2015, 137-158.
  • Middle Classes in Late Antiquity: an Economical Perspective, in E. Bissa – F. Santangelo, eds., Wealth in the Ancient World, Institute of Classical Studies, London, forthcoming.