Jianhua Zhu

German Studies, Shanghai
Fellowship: 15.10.16–15.02.17; 01.10.17–28.02.18


Ph.D. in 1987 from Ruhr University Bochum. Since 1993, Full Professor of German Studies at Tongji University, Shanghai. From 1993 to 2010, Dean of the German Faculty at Tongji University. Since 2008, Deputy Dean of the School of Foreign Language at Tongji University. Since 1993, Vice-President of the Instructional Committee for Foreign Language Courses, Ministry of Education, China. Director of the Work Group for Academic German. From 2010 to 2015, President of the International Association of German Studies (IVG). From 2015 to present, Honorary President of the IVG.


Fields of Research

  • Foreign Language Linguistics
  • Word Formation
  • Contrastive Linguistics
  • Intercultural Communication (Chinese–German)
  • Didactics/German as a Foreign Language


Project outline

Analysis of Portraits of »Johann Adam Schall von Bell« from an Intercultural and Linguistic Perspective (German–Chinese)


This project focuses on biographical representations of the historical figure »Johann Adam Schall von Bell« from Cologne, who was mostly portrayed in biographical accounts from China and Germany as a political figure, a representative of Western religion and culture, and an important figure during the Ming and Qing dynasties (1592–1666, Peking) in Chinese imperial history. His role as a representative of the Western academic community at that time, his significance in the academic exchange between the East and West as early as the Middle Ages, has thus far been neglected in research in the history of science.

This project analyzes biographies and biographical documents on Johann Adam von Bell as well as his portraits in Germany and China from a comparative perspective by looking at different sources. It mostly analyzes portraits and text passages considering the following issues: a) Johann Adam Schall von Bell as a political figure, e.g. a missionary and Christian minister; b) Johann Adam Schall von Bell as a cultural figure and representative of the Western world; c) Johann Adam Schall von Bell as a mediator of academic language, knowledge, and culture, e.g. through a number of academic documents and translations in collaboration with Chinese scholars; d) Johann Adam Schall von Bell as an intercultural figure between the East and West, mediating between the two as a friend and consultant to the Chinese emperor during the Ming and Qing dynasties of the Chinese empire.

The similarities and differences between the German and Chinese biographies and portraitures will be analyzed on a text-linguistic and socio-cultural background, particularly with regard to text-structural, text-semantic, and text-pragmatic issues. Special focus will be put on the linguistic analyses of the last two issues listed above, e.g. the analysis of his collaborative translation of various secondary literature in the fields of surveying, geography, astronomy, etc.


Publications (Selection)

  • Germanistische Linguistik in China. In: Zeitschrift für Literaturwissenschaft und Linguistik (LiLi), 2002 (127) Metzler Verlag.
  • Fachkulturen und Fachsprachen. In: Fachsprachenlinguistik, Fachsprachendidaktik und Interkulturelle Kommunikation. Wirtschaft-Technik-Medien. (hrsg.: Zhu Jianhua/Zimmer, Thomas) Peter Lang Verlag, Frankfurt am Main 2003.
  • Die deutsche Sprache in China – Geschichte, Gegenwart, Zukunftsperspektiven. (U. Ammon/R. Reinbothe/J.Zhu) (Hrsg.) München 2007.
  • Perspektiven der interkulturellen Fachkommunikation.(Zhu Jianhua Guo Yiwei)In: Jianhua Zhu/Rudolf Hoberg (Hrsg.) Germanistische Sprachwissenschaft und Deutschunterricht in chinesisch-deutscher Perspektive. Frankfurt am Main 2010. S. 257-268.
  • Förderung der interkulturellen Kompetenz als Aufgabe des DaF-Unterrichts in China. (Zhu Jianhua Ge Yan)  In: Qian Minru, Liu, Dezhang, Wilke, Jürgen, Zhu Jianhua: Spektrum der Interkulturalität. Deutsch-Chinesisches Forum interkultureller Bildung. Band 2. iudicium Verlag München. 2011.
  • Fachsprachen als interdisziplinäre und interkulturelle Kommunikationsmittel. (Zhu Jianhua Guo Yiwei)In: MAEDA Ryozo (Hrsg.) Transkulturalität – Identitäten in neuem Licht. iudicium 2012. S. 54-64.
  • Didaktische Überlegungen in der Lehrwerksentwicklung für Hochschuldeutsch in China – Am Beispiel Klick auf Deutsch. In: K. Schneider-Wiejowski, B. Kellermeier-Rehbein, J. Haselhuber (Hrsg.). Vielfalt, Variation und Stellung der deutschen Sprache. De Gruyter Verlag Berlin 2013.
  • Fach stile und Fachkulturen in der globalisierten Welt. In: A. Burkhardt/J.Zhao/J.Zhu: Alltags- und Fachkommunikation in der globaliseruten Welt. Peter Lang Frankfurt 2014. S.237-243.
  • Transdisziplinarität und Interkulturalität – Tendenzen der internationalen Germanistik. In: Hans-Rüdiger Fluck/Jianhua Zhu: Vielfalt und Interkulturalität der internationalen Germanistik. Stauffenburg, Tübingen 2014. S.39-48.
  • Die Entstehung und Entwicklung der Fachsprachen im Deutschen und Chinesischen (Jianhua Zhu/Chen Chen/Xiaoxi Wu) In: Kontrastive Fachsprachenforschung Deutsch - Chinesisch Stauffenburg Verlag,Tübingen 2016. S.23-30.